List of Benefits
The Model “A” Restorers Club (MARC), founded in 1952, holds as its aims the encouragement of members to acquire, restore, preserve and exhibit the Model “A” Ford. And most importantly, to enjoy the fellowship of other Model “A” Ford owners around the world.
The annual Membership Meeting, held each spring, and the National Meet, held during the summer, are both fine opportunities to meet fellow members from around the world. These meetings also provide a time to photograph, study body styles, exchange ideas, ask questions, as well as buy, sell or trade parts. Here, “A’ers” also learn where quality parts can be found for the best price from members or professional suppliers. Technical seminars are held at both meets that cover both fashion and car information.
The Model “A” Restorers Club is comprised of local regions. There may already be a region formed in your area. Click here to see region list. If not, you as a MARC member are eligible to start one. Information for the formation of a new region or your nearest region may be obtained from MARC.
With your membership you will receive the Model “A” News, our BI-monthly club magazine. In addition, each member is entitled to a free 40 word classified ad in each issue of our international publication, the Model “A” News.