Member Benefits
The Benefits of belonging to the Model A Restorers Club
There are many benefits to joining and enjoying a membership in the Model A Restorers Club. First of all, each member receives an award winning magazine “The Model A News” published bi-monthly which is filled with fantastic articles and information about the Model Ford.
Secondly, This gives you access to one of our many Regions which may be located in your local area so you will meet other Model A enthusiasts. These fellow members will help you learn about the Model A and offer help when needed. Many life long friendships have been developed from membership in our club.
Thirdly, by being a member you will realize the wealth of knowledge that many of your fellow Model A members have in all subjects pertaining to the Model A.
Perhaps you need to get a generator repaired or need to know how to set the timing, you can usually find a fellow club member to give you a hand. I have found many members are good mechanics, welders, machinists and the list goes on and on. You will find their advice and help invaluable in your restoration efforts.
Fourth, if you are looking for a Model A you may find one in the “Cars For Sale” section in the Model A News which is free to all members of MARC. The same is true if you are looking to sell a car or parts and the “Wanted” section will give you an opportunity to find a part you may be looking for.
Fifth, You and your family will be able to attend National Conventions designed for “Fun for the Whole Family” These meets are held annually and are all planned out for you to just be there. All of the tours and fun is ready to go. typical are visits to museums and tourist attractions in the area. Car games and picnics and welcome parties with live entertainment are just a few of the exciting things you will be doing.
Sixth, You will be able to learn more about the Model A that you could any other way. Club members are always helping each other and you will pick it up really fast with this kind of support.
There are many more wonderful aspects of joining the Model A Hobby as I have only covered a few.
Joining the Model A Restorers Club may be the biggest life changing event you have done in years. So sign up today and let the “FUN BEGIN”