Attention MARC Members
Gettysburg National Meet
Model A Days at the Gilmore
Click to get our special hotel rate: Delta Hotels Kalamazoo
Click to pay and regsiter for MAD events: Event Registration
(sponsored by the Southeastern Touring Group)
Click to view details about swap spaces: Swap Registration
Click to view weekend schedule: Schedule
The Burtz Block Event Special
News from the Membership meet.
Many members are now using John Deer corn head grease in the steering gear instead of the usual 600w oil.
The corn head grease is a polyurea grease that is thixotropic. It is a gel when resting and turns into a liquid when under use. This makes it perfect for steering boxes because of how much they tend to leak.
(From the Technicnical seminar presented by Ron Ehrenhofer)
2023 Membership Meet Booklet
New Book added to the Store
Advertising the Model A Ford
By James W. Thomas
Hardback, 304 pages, over 400 photos. Pictures and describes all (over 300) Model A Ford magazine ads produced 1928-1932. Lists over 900 Model A ads by magazine, publish date and rarity rating. Includes listings of all (over 40) magazines with Model A ads.
Back issues of the Model A News Are Now Available
Just in time for the holidays. Many old issues are available in the store for puchace. There is a limited supply so check it out soon.