Driving the bus at the Model A Museum
Model A Days
Canadian Maritime & West Point Tour
With Lukie & Huge Smith

Greetings –
My wife Joanne and I were having great difficulty planning our dream tour
to the Canadian Maritime States when we discovered that Hugh and Lukie
Smith were doing the same and way ahead of us. They invited and we
accepted. Their friend Whit Moore made the third car and what a fantastic
team we made having a fabulous time. After we toured New Brunswick, Prince Island, and Nova Scotia, on the way home Hugh had arranged for us to tour the US Military Academy at West Point, NY. Driving our Model A’s around
West Point with our “personal” guide was also the experience of a life time.
One picture shows the three Model A’s heading North on a beautiful Maine
country road Lukie chose for us. The second a pix at WPMA waiting for our
escort, and, the other was taken at West Point at the auto service center as
we refueled preparing for departure.
What a time and what a fantastic trip Lukie planned and navigated for us.
Jim Gregory
MARC Niagara Meet was over the TOP!
A fantastic International Model A Meet was held in Niagara Falls Ontario.
In June this past summer over 400 Model A Fords were seen visiting one of the great “Wonders of the World”. These old car enthusiasts enjoyed a wonderful Canadian experience in Niagara Falls Ontario. The week long visit could not have been better as people came from as far away as Australia and Germany, and all ove rthe United States making this event a truly “International Affair”. It was an “International Affair” with a “Flair”.
Snow Bird Model A Fords
The May June Issue of the Model A News (2014) has a great article by Jim Thomas concerning Model A Snowmobiles so I thought it might be nice to show this beautifully restored Model A Snow Bird and we do not know who the owner is??? Please email us the information so we can include the owners name on this page. Most Model A’ers work on their cars in the winter so we can be driving in the summer. With these Model A Owners the opposite is true, they work on them in the summer so they can be driving in the winter!