49th Sully Antique Car Show
Sully Historic Site
3650 Historic Sully Way, Chantilly, VA 20151

June 16, 2024 is not only Father’s Day, it is the 49th Sully Antique Car Show, which is jointly sponsored by the GW Chapter, Inc., MAFCA/MARC, and the Fairfax County Park Authority.
Bring your pre-1999 vehicle to show (must pre-register by June 12) and win a trophy. There are thirty show classes with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies, and a trophy for Best in Show and favorite of the Sully Staff. Or, just bring your family to enjoy the show where you will see approximately 350 classic and antique cars, a Car Corral, special displays including Hit ‘n Miss engines and a “take-apart Model T Ford,” a flea market, a selection of food vendors, a kids’ tent with amusements including free coloring books, live music, and a Century
Display of cars at least 100 years old. Tours of the first floor of the Sully Mansion are included with the price of admission, which online is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $8 for children. Trophies will be awarded at 3:00 pm.
ALL SHOW CARS MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED BY JUNE 12! See GWCModelA.com mid-April for registration information.