Dear Model “A” Ford Club Representatives:
INTERNATIONAL MODEL “A” FORD DAY, 2022, will take place Saturday, September 17th, with a local rain date of 9/18. Please put on an event like a tour & picnic.
This day is simply a formal opportunity for Model “A” Ford owners and Clubs around the world to all go out for a drive or event on that same day and submit photos to me for submission to the National Magazines. Hopefully, the photos will show UNIQUE backgrounds to your locale. Email JPEG photos to [email protected]
EMBROIDERED 3.5” IRON-ON PATCHES, as above logo, to commemorate the day are available for $3.00 apiece, minimum order twenty, from Bruce Adams, Founder, International Model “A” Ford Day. All profits will be donated to The National Club’s MODEL A YOUTH Scholarship and Restoration programs.
Checks to Bruce Adams, PO Box 45, Northport, NY 11768 includes shipping and handling.
Hoping to see you and your club participate and enjoy this great day and to submit photos to share with the entire Model “A” Ford community.
Sincerely yours,
Bruce Adams
Coordinator-Founder-International Model “A” Ford Day