Since the 1950s and 60s, the Model A hobby hasn’t been exactly overwhelmed with young folks. Well, sir, the Model A Youth Restoration Award program is trying to correct that. We are looking to expose as many kids to the Model A Ford as possible, around the country and abroad. We feel that the Model A experience can still appeal to today’s youth IF they are exposed to it.
With the support of both national organizations – MARC and MAFCA – we are declaring May 2022 as the inaugural Model A Youth month and we ask ALL clubs to do an event that focuses on children and teens but encourage mom and dad to attend, too. The experience needs to be sensual to appeal to them – the kids need to hear, smell, see and touch the cars. The automobiles need to be in context historically – in many cases as cars their great or great- great grandparents may have driven in an era when a new car cost as little as under $400 (but 64% of the population made under $5,000 per year!) And the vehicles should be presented as functioning cars and trucks, not museum pieces.
So, let’s get our cars out to where the kids are: to the schools; youth groups (Boy and Girl Scouts, Police Athletic Leagues, 4-H, FAA, Boys and Girls Clubs, and church or temple associated youth groups.) Tie in your local Ford dealership or a business celebrating nearly a century in business. Don’t be shy about local car shows or Cars and Coffee. Check with your local community museum and set up a “show and tell” with them.
Please check our website for more ideas and resources for Model A Youth month. Click here.