Tag: Wanted
Metal Model A Tire Cover (Rear)
Need a 1930-31 tire cover for the rear spare tire mount (like the ones in the photos).
Robert Joseph, [email protected], (909) 322-5689, Alta Loma, CA
WANTED – 1931 Slant Windshield 68C Cabriolet
I am looking for a 1931 S/W Cabriolet in good driving condition. I can give your 68C an excellent home and am also prepared to upgrade an already good car. Please contact me if you would like someone who would care for your Cabriolet.
Ed Daniel, [email protected], (937) 638-5955, OH
National Meet Pins for:
2018 Branson, MO
2019 Dearborn, MI
2022 Morgantown, PA
2023 Hamilton, OH
Please email or call with details.
Joel C Champagne, [email protected], (985) 630-3671
Wanted – model As for museum
I am looking to buy any Ford Model A that has a good price and can be restored. Need one of each stile for my future museum
Sergio Leon, [email protected], (773) 430-0802, Chicago