List of Reference Books
The first question asked by a person who has recently purchased a Model A is:
“What books should I buy to help me learn about the Model A?”
The easy answer is to say “All of them!” but honestly budgets usually keep us from doing that, so the question remains in which order should I buy them. I like to give some advice to this new Model A’er:
If you want to learn about the Model A in general:
- “The Model A as Henry built it” by George DeAngelis
- “The Model A Ford” by Peter Winweisser
If you want to learn about the details of the Model A:
- The Ford Service Bulletins by Ford Motor Co. (yellow book by Post publications)
- The Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards by MARC and MAFCA.
If you just bought a Model A and you need to work on it I would recommend:
- Model A Ford Troubleshooting and Diagnostics by Les Andrews
- Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook by Les Andrews Vol II
- Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook by Les Andrews Vol I
Available in the MARC store.
If you want to learn about the advertising for the Model A during the era of 1928 to 1931:
- Advertising the Model A Ford by Jim Thomas
Of course, many books have been written about the Model A and you can go to our Store just to find some great books about our beloved cars. Here is a partial list:
- “Technically Speaking” Vol 1 thru 14 – A compilation of Articles from all the years of the Model A News.
Zenith Model A Carburetor Restoration Guidelines by Steve Pargeter
Model A Ignition Primer& Restoration Guidelines by Steve Pargeter