
The finishes listed in this section are in reference to the MARC/MAFCA Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards (standards) as revised in 1997. Please refer to the guidelines for further information pertaining to each subject matter.

This guide is only to prepare the restorer as to the finishes of those parts as specified in the standards when doing a restoration.

Where there are double or triple type of finishes for just one item as listed in the standards, they are included in each specific category and part.

Most terminology (description) is how it is stated in the standards.

“Early” means January, February, March, April of a specific year (1928-1931);
“Mid” means May, June, July, August of a specific year (1928-1931);
“Late” means September, October, November, December of a specific year (1928-1931)

Many parts in the standards are listed without a given finish and must be researched out to find the correct finish of the given part such as internal brake parts, “distributor plate”, etc.

Some finishes may be stated one or more times due to their being repeated on another page.

Cadmium plating may be used in the interest of preservation. Check the guidelines in the standards to determine which items those are.

“1928” also means “start of production in October 1927” unless otherwise specified.

“VE” are “Very Early 1928 Vehicles from October 1927 thru December 1927”.

Steve C. Plucker , March 9, 2009