Rusty Gould – Davison, Michigan
Hi, my name is Rusty Gould, and I am seeking a position on the MARC board of Directors. Model A’s have been in my family my entire life. My grandfather had a 1929 Model A fire truck converted into a pickup and I used to ride around with him when I was young. I bought my first Model A, 1931 Tudor when I was 17 years old. After graduating from high school,
I hired General Motors, then took a leave of absence and enlisted into the Army. I served in Vietnam during the 1968 TET offensive. Upon returning home and returning to work at General Motors, I enrolled in college and received a Criminal Justice degree.
Rita and I have been married 54 years and have 3 children and six grandchildren. Two of our grandsons (ages 19 and 21) enjoy the Model A’s very much and have joined us at National Meets.
I have a 1930 Model A Coupe, that I completed a 5 year frame off restoration on in 1975. I received· an Award of Excellence, 500 points at the Dearborn National Meet in Touring Class. Rita has a 1929 Tudor that we use mostly for touring. We also have a 1929 Woody Wagon and a 1929 Speedster, that we often drive.
I have been attending large local car shows, plus Gilmore Model A Days, and Hershey AAC Swap meet, for several years, recruiting new members for MARC. I give potential new members, an older copy of the Model A news, a parts catalog, an application for MARC, and I also direct them to a region that is closest to their home. This has been quite effective for attracting new members.
I’m a member of the Script A Region, The Heart of Florida Region and an honorary member of the Model A’s of Greater Orlando Region. I belong to the Model A Ford Foundation Inc, and The Henry Ford Heritage Association. I was content manager for the Touring Class part of the MARC website, and was Co-Chairman of the 2016 MARC Membership Meet and have been on a number of committees hosting meets.
I have attended every MARC Membership and National meet for the last 15 years except one. I was Script A Region President for 2 years. I served as Touring class Chairman for 2 years and I’m currently a member of the MARC Touring Class committee. I served on the MARC board of directors, as Director of Regions for one years, two years as President, and one year as Director of Membership. I was awarded the Kenneth G. Brady award in 2022. I’m currently regional correspondent for Script A, and chairman of the MARC Hall of Fame committee.
I feel we (MARC) needs to focus on getting more youth involvement, by visiting Tec Schools, giving seminars to the youth and giving them a short ride. Marc members who have a Model A Speedsters should get them out of the garage and let the youth see them up close. We also need to better serve our membership.
I feel that I have a lot of experience to accomplish these things. I would appreciate your vote and will work hard for the betterment of MARC.