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2022 MARC National Meet

June 5 – 10, 2022
Morgantown, PA

UPDATE – Host Hotel Reservation Status 12/21/2021


The 2022 National Meet Host Committee is preparing a Meet that will be like no other in recent times!  Virtually every activity, including all car and fashion judging and showing, trailer parking, ice cream social, all seminars, etc. are held in one location, adjacent to the Host Hotel.  Like in many years before, the host hotel will not accommodate everyone who wishes to attend, so several other hotel choices within a reasonable drive in the beautiful Amish countryside have been arranged.  The MARC Board is exceedingly grateful to the North Penn Model ‘A’ Club for stepping up to host this Meet, and with relatively little time to prepare!


Many of you reserved rooms at the Host Hotel as instructed starting July 1st.  The hotel system then mistakenly booked more rooms than available.  Subsequently, some of your rooms were incorrectly cancelled by the hotel.  In order to rectify this situation as fairly as possible, the following procedure is being implemented…

  1. Reservations that were made prior to July 1st will be voided. The hotel will contact you, and if you wish, they will assist in moving your reservation to another approved hotel.
  2. Reservations that were made through the host hotel beginning July 1st and subsequently cancelled will be reinstated if you wish with priority given to the earliest callers.
  3. Reservations made after all rooms were spoken for are subject to cancellation, in which case the Host Hotel can assist you in moving your reservation to another approved hotel.
  4. A ‘waiting list’ will be established at the Holiday Inn in the event of any late cancellations.
  5. All Holiday Inn cancellations & reservations will be handled by Laura Taylor–Sales Mgr., who will call those affected in the very near future.
  6. The MARC rate of $119 booked directly with the Holiday Inn (host) includes breakfast. Other discounted rates may not include this amenity.


Thank you for your patience and understanding…


Bob Martino                                          Joe Fox                                     Christine Rozny

Meet Chairman                                     President – MARC                      Vice President – MARC






Model A drivers of east central Ohio

Pictures from our last official tour of the season today. Cold and overcast but some nice foliage.  October 31, 2021.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Click on photo to enlarge.

A message regarding annual membership dues:

Summer Greetings from the MARC Board of Directors

The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly required most individuals and organizations to make unwanted and unpopular changes. The ever decreasing membership levels along with normal inflation have impacted the club’s financial health.  The MARC Board of Directors, after careful consideration, has decided that a modest increase of $5 in National dues is warranted.  New and renewal U.S. memberships will be $50 beginning with the 2022 calendar year.  Full details, including foreign rates, will be included in your renewal notice in the September/October issue of the Model A News.  We trust that this will not place a financial burden on any individual, but the increase will ensure the fiscal health of our club for the future.

IMPORTANT!!!  If you are a Regional newsletter editor or officer, PLEASE help us by sharing this message with all MARC members to whom you have access.  This will help the MARC Office staff greatly by reducing the number of replies needed for those who send in the wrong amount for their membership renewal.  So please, do this at your earliest convenience!

Thank you from your MARC Board of Directors.

Click here to fill out application