How to Submit an Ad
The following rules and guidance apply to all ads:
- All ads submitted through the website are also sent for publication in the Model A News.
- Classified Ad service is a free benefit of MARC membership. As a benefit to our MARC members we do accept ads from Non – MARC Members who are selling cars or parts as in the case of a deceased family member or friend.
- MARC accepts NO responsibility or liability for the content, possible misrepresentation of items, or any other disputes that may result from an ad placed on this web site. The advertiser accepts the sole responsibility for the ads content.
- MARC reserves the right to reject any ad deemed to be unfit or inappropriate.
- Ads will be posted on the web site for 4 months and in the Model A News for 1 month. Upon request, we will remove or extend the time as needed.
- All ads received must be clearly identified as an ad for placement on the MARC web site and specify the category where the ad is to be placed. Specifically, Cars For Sale; Parts For Sale; Literature For Sale; Wanted; or Fashions For Sale.
- The ad should provide the following: a brief description of the item(s); such as “1928 Roadster”, “Engine Parts”, “Assorted Parts”, “Service Letters”, etc.
- A complete description of the item(s), including, where applicable; condition, color, interior, prices, and for cars any national awards received such as: MARC of Excellence (fine point); MARC Touring Class awards, AACA, MAFCA, etc. Do not list any local car show awards.
- The ad must provide advertiser’s contact information, including name, phone number, and/or e-mail address (if available) .
- Up to four (4) images may be included with the ad. These images must be included as separate files, specifically not imbedded in the ad.
- Submit all ads for the web site using the form below:
Contact the webmaster if there are any questions or problems. Click here