Canadian Maritime & West Point Tour

With Lukie & Huge Smith


Lukie, Hugh, Joanne, Jim, and Whit Moore.

Welcome to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point


























Greetings –

My wife Joanne and I were having great difficulty planning our dream tour
to the Canadian Maritime States when we discovered that Hugh and Lukie
Smith were doing the same and way ahead of us.  They invited and we
accepted.  Their friend Whit Moore made the third car and what a fantastic
team we made having a fabulous time.  After we toured New Brunswick, Prince Island, and Nova Scotia, on the way home Hugh had arranged for us to tour the US Military Academy at West Point, NY.   Driving our Model A’s around
West Point with our “personal” guide was also the experience of a life time.

One picture shows the three Model A’s heading North on a beautiful Maine
country road Lukie chose for us.  The second a pix at WPMA waiting for our
escort, and, the other was taken at West Point at the auto service center as
we refueled preparing for departure.

What a time and what a fantastic trip Lukie planned and navigated for us.

Jim Gregory



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McCall 4432

Ladies’ slip on Dress

Size 36


Missing embroidery transfer – Consider making your own design to match your fabric choice

McCall 5269

Size 36 (Bust)


Can be adjusted to larger size with extra piece included in the pattern.