Author: Stephen Burton
Updated Newsletter Judging Criteria
Some of the former requirements have been eliminated and implemented a couple others. The new judging criteria are:
- Format and Quality
- Calendar of Events
Club Member Information/Articles - List of Officers
- Technical Tips, Articles
- Era Fashion Articles
- President’s/Director’s Column
- Drawings, etc.
- National Club News
- Editor’s Column
- Classified Section
- Photographs or Sketches
- Minutes of Club Meetings
- Reports of Past Events
- Youth Outreach Activities
Youth Chassis Build Gettysburg 2017
MARC National Meet
Gettysburg 2017
Pizza Party Gettysburg 2017
Fun at the Pizza Party Gettysburg Nation Meet 2017
Model “A” Restorers Club Region Renewal Form
The new regional club renewal form is here!
They need to be returned by January 1, 2017.
Please click one of the following formats to print form.
Model “A” Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards
The long awaited Revision 4 of the Model “A” Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards has been announced. Complete Judging Standards with illustrations and Over 500 photographs.
The Standards are a collaboration of both MARC and MAFCA and are the definitive guidelines for restoring a Model “A” Ford to factory original.
Complete Guidelines $55.00
Revision 4 only $30.00.