Rita Gould Davison, MI


My name is Rita Gould, and I am seeking a position on the MARC Board of Directors. I have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. I have been involved with Model A’s most of my life.

My husband Rusty and I currently own 3 model A’s, a 1930 Rumble Seat Coupe – Rusty’s, a 1929 Tudor – Mine, and a 1929 Woody Wagon – ours. I enjoy driving my Model A, and most of all, I enjoy the many friends I have made in the Model A hobby.

I have been president of our local region Script A Region for 7 years and have planned and hosted many events and tours during that time. I am currently a member of the Script A Region, Heart of Florida Region and the Lady A’s.Along with being a member of, MAFFI, and the Henry Ford Heritage Association. I am also a past member of: Grandville A’s, Shipshewana A’s, and Dearborn A’s, (regions that were formed for the soul purpose of hosting meets).

I have attended all the MARC Membership and National meets for the past 12 years. I have helped in many areas during these meets. I was a committee member for the 2016 Membership Meet in Grand Blanc, Michigan hosted by Script A; hospitality room hostess for the 2018 Grandville Membership Meet; co-chair

for the 2017 Michigan Model A Roundup; co-chair and hospitality room hostess for the 2019 Dearborn National Meet and currently a committee member for the 2023 Script A Membership Meet in Bay City, Michigan. I have also worked the MARC merchandise booth in Charlotte North Carolina Membership Meet, Savanah Georgia Membership Meet, and Oshkosh Wisconsin National Meet, when the office girls were unable to attend. Working in these areas, I have talked with many members, and I know many of your concerns and would welcome the chance to share them in a board meeting.

I feel that past MARC Boards have done a great job to make MARC an outstanding organization, and I want to help keep it on that path, to grow and prosper. As a MARC Board member, I will do my best to represent all members of MARC and I will always be open to your questions and concerns.